While this page focuses on an introduction to the game of hockey and the rules for players, there are also a number of rules for parents and spectators, and also just some things to keep in mind, for exmple:

The Chain of Command - If a parent has an issue with how things are going or how their child is being coached, your first course of action is to talk to your division’s Parent Rep.  It is the Parent Rep’s job to be the intermediary between the parents and the Division Director. Please don’t call the President or go and jump down the coach’s throat.  Please see the 24 Hour Rule below.

The 24 Hour Rule - This is an important rule, and simple states that if a parent has an issue with the coaching staff during a practice session or game, to ensure a level headed discussion you must wait 24 hours before bringing the issue up.  Please see the the Chain of Command above.

Let the coaches do the coaching - OK, we’ve all seen it, there’s one at every rink, right?  That one parent who constantly coaches from the stands, screaming and yelling at their kid the entire time.  Don’t be that parent!  Not only do you annoy everyone else at the rink–you’re not helping your kid, you’re just distracting him. Keep it in perspective, be encouraging.

Get your players there on time - Please try to have your players to the rink and dressed 15 minutes before practice time.  For games even earlier, 45 minutes or more depending on your coach.

Everyone at IFYHA is a VOLUNTEER - Please keep this in mind, everyone at IFYHA, every coach, every director, every board member, everyone—is a volunteer.  We volunteer because we love the sport of hockey and want to see the kids grow and develop.  Often we’re taking time away from our own family to help your kids